Student Employee Supervisor
of the Year 

MASEA conducts a selection process for its membership to recognize outstanding supervisors of student employees. The goal of this program is to celebrate the accomplishments of those that are working directly with our student employees in supervisory roles. This award was established to recognize the invaluable role our supervisors play in the development of our student employees. Acting as role models, mentors, coaches, and more – our supervisors provide education outside the classroom.


To start, each institution will conduct their own nomination process. Then, any institution who is a member of MASEA may submit their SESOTY to be considered. A committee of MASEA volunteers will then read nominations and select a winner and two runner-ups. 

Eligible Supervisors: 

The nominee must supervise student employees at the time of nomination and be a full time or part time staff or faculty member. Nominees must be an employee at an institution that is a member of MASEA. 

Selection Criteria: 

Student supervisors will be evaluated on the following characteristics: mentoring, professionalism, and leadership provided to student employees. MASEA volunteer readers will use this SESOTY Rubric to evaluate nominations.  


  • November 27, 2024 - MASEA distributes announcement and application materials to members.
  • February 21, 2025 - SESOTY campus winners are due to MASEA.
  • March 14, 2025 - Winners will be identified and institutions will be notified by this date.
  • April 14 - April 18, 2025 - National Student Employment Week observed. Celebrate nominees and winners!

MASEA Awards

  • MASEA Regional Winner will receive a certificate and check for $100.
  • The runner-up will receive a certificate and check for $75.

Submission Instructions

Nominators will need to complete the SESOTY Campus Selection Form which should be in letter format (2 page maximum - this does not include the cover letter) and include the following requirements:

  • Briefly describe why you are submitting the student supervisor for recognition.
  • Briefly outline student supervisor’s accomplishments as it pertains to all 3 categories outlined above.
  • Closing statement

Please ensure the SESOTY Campus Selection Form and the nomination letter are combined in the same PDF file.

In order for your institution's student employee supervisor of the year to be considered, you must email your SESEOTY Selection form with letter of nomination to no later than 11:59pm CST February 21, 2025. No late materials or previous forms will be accepted.

Please note: the information you provide may be shared with the public through press releases and other promotional opportunities.


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